Fundamentals of Seismic Design of Bridges

Fundamentals of Seismic Design of Bridges – Part 2

This video provides a step-by-step guide to conducting seismic analysis for bridges using CSI Bridge Express and CSI Bridge. Building on the foundation laid in Part 1, this segment digs into advanced seismic evaluation techniques, covering the complete process from model creation to detailed seismic performance assessments. It begins with the transfer of a bridge model from CSI Bridge Express to CSI Bridge for further analysis. Key methods include response spectrum analysis to evaluate dynamic responses under seismic loading and push-over analysis to study the structure’s behavior under increasing lateral forces. The video also demonstrates nonlinear time history analysis using real ground motion data to simulate bridge responses during actual earthquakes. A comparison of linear and nonlinear results highlights the benefits of nonlinear modeling, including improved safety and reduced shear forces. Additionally, the effects of multi-support excitation on long-span bridges are analyzed, emphasizing the importance of design review for optimal safety and performance. 

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